our equipment
Transmission electron microscopes
- Olympus Modera 10k CCD camera
- Dual grid holder
- iTEM analysis software
FEI Tecnai12
- BioTWIN lense
- Gatan cryo-holder
- Low-dose exposure
- Single tilt tomography
- Olympus Veleta 4k CCD camera
- Explore3D analysis software
- High pressure freezer (Leica EM-PACT2)
- Plunge freezer (Leica GP)
- Automated freeze substitution (Leica AFS2/FSP)
- CryoLM
- Reichert-Jung Ultracut
- Reichert-Jung Ultracut E
- Leica UC7 cryomicrotom with EM Crion antistatic device
Other equipment
- carbon coater and glow discharge (Leica ACE220)
- autostainer (Leica AC20)
- glass knife maker (LKB 7800)
- tomography workstation